After reading the comic


Ask students to think about the following questions. Then ask them to turn to a partner to discuss their answers. Finally, share as a class.

  1. What did Zoe and Molly come across online that wasn’t okay?
  2. What do you think the girls were laughing about?
  3. Why do you think the girls’ faces turned red after Zoe’s sister spoke to them?
  4. Was it the girls’ fault that they came across inappropriate videos? Why or why not?

Explain to students that there is information, pictures, and videos online that are not appropriate for kids. Sometimes kids find inappropriate things when they are searching for games or looking for other information online. If this happens, it is not a child’s fault. It can be uncomfortable and upsetting for them when they come across something like this. Kids should walk away from the computer/tablet and tell an adult who can help them get out of it. Adults want to know when kids see inappropriate pictures or videos, or something that makes them feel uncomfortable, so they can help them.

Closure Activity

Ask students to think about the following questions:

  1. What do you think Zoe’s sister told her grandma?
  2. What do you think her grandma did?

In pairs, ask them to write an ending to the comic. Share as a class.

Exit Activity

What should kids do if they come across inappropriate videos online?

Additional Activities

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The Kids in the Know safety program is designed to empower children and reduce their risk of victimization. It focuses on building self-esteem through teaching critical problem-solving skills. The program uses an inclusive, community-based approach to heighten safety awareness. The core premise of the curriculum is based on key root safety strategies and environments, which are reinforced and practiced throughout each grade level.

To access online activities related to this comic, visit

For more information on the Kids in the Know safety program, visit